WAHOMO is post-folk Ukrainian band, working in ethno rock and gothic folk-industrial styles. Band was founded with main purpose - to put authentic Ukrainian songs into a modern scene. Wahomo use unusual vocal techniques and conceptual reefs to remind about main archetypes.

Lyubov Gook - vox, key
Denis Shvets - drums
Max Maslak - bass
Nikto Niktoeff - solo-guitar
Anton Zverhovskiy - rhythm-guitar
Starting in the summer of 2019, the band has become the resident of major Ukrainian festivals such as GogolFest, Respublica Festival, Jazz Koktebel Festival, Taras Bulba Fest, Forpost Fest, Gothic Industrial Fest and others.
Participated in the project "Lullabies Of the Country", created with the support of the UCF and also became guests of the show "Tut i Zaraz: live concerts"
This is the first song that started it all. The song is from Rivne region and is very ambiguous. It's a female song that tells us about the fate of a married woman: she misses her parental home and often runs away. After all, three troubles await her at new home - a small child, an evil mother-in-law and her husband, who beats her! And she just sings.
The popular Myth about happy fate of a married woman is destroyed in our eyes. There is no the same happiness for everyone. Sometimes - everything you can - is just sing.

Коли б мені, недільку дождати!
Да й пошла б я до роду гуляти
Дай пошла б я до роду гуляти!
А в мене рід - хороший-багатий
Буде мене хорошо вгощати

Вип'ю чарку, вип'ю й другу
А на третю - буду проситися:
"Ой, ти роду, роду ти, родочку!
Пора мені іти до домочку"
Пора мені іти до домочку -

Бо я маю три сухоти в хаті
А первая - дитина малая,
А другая - свекруха лихая,
А третяя - буде милий бити,
Щоб не йшла я до родоньку пити!


Olesya Tymoshenko (manager)

Phone: +38 099 556 1039
E-mail: wahomomusic@gmail.com
"There's something about human primary sources, created by music. Wild authentic energy was transformed into modern
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